
How Customizable Reminders Can Help You to Build Good Habits

Most of us want to improve our lives no matter what stage we are in. Building good habits can often act as a wonderful step towards self-improvement, but building good habits isn’t always easy. Even the best intentions can be swept aside—and that is normal. It takes time to build good habits, but building good habits is easier with the right approach and the right tools. In this article, we will discuss how customizable reminders can help you to improve yourself a little bit every day.

What Are Customizable Reminders?

Customizable reminders are exactly what they sound like, really. They are reminders that are fully customized to suit your specific needs using writing or voice recordings. Instead of relying on basic reminders like “drink water” or “take medication,” you focus on creating reminders that are completely customized to suit your needs and style. You can turn something generic like “take medication” into “take your heart medication!” A lot of people even use this as a way to make a boring task fun. Medication reminders can be spirited and help you to really focus on the action so the habit sticks.

Reminders and Habit Building

When building good habits, you need the right approach. For a lot of people, this involves scheduling and reminders. A reminder can work wonders by grabbing your attention and giving you that added push to do what needs to be done.

Reminders can really reinforce good habits because they make the new habit a consistent part of your day. Instead of simply deciding you want to be better about taking your medication, you can use medication reminders each day to ensure that you never miss it. With time, you will get more used to the action—and before long, it will be a habit and not just an action!

Using Custom Reminders to Build Good Habits

Custom reminders are a great way to really solidify the good habits that you want to keep. Generic reminders can be easily swiped away or overlooked. Custom reminders force you to really focus on the action and own it for yourself, which helps to reinforce those good habits.

With a general reminder, it is too easy to simply look the other way. When you make a customized reminder that speaks to you, you remind yourself to really connect with the habit that you are trying to build. Use custom reminders to speak to yourself instead of simply letting a device tell you what to do. Recorded reminders can really help to build good habits, just like repeating daily affirmations!


Whether you are trying to be better about following medication reminders or you just want make reminders that work, we are happy to help. Our talking alarm clock offers support for multiple custom reminders that will play loud and proud so you always remember to do what needs to be done! This is an excellent tool for children, adults, and seniors too. Take control of your habits with our clock today!

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