For those of us who are vision impaired, life can come with its own set of challenges. While some people have their entire lives to adapt to this change, some of us feel our vision beginning to fade over time. As our vision worsens, we find ourselves dealing with new challenges. This is a common problem that seniors face, but only recently have we started to find easy ways to navigate these changes. Traditional items like alarm clocks can be frustrating with their small font and poor contrast. You deserve the best day clock for seniors, and we are here to help you understand what that means.
Easy to See Screen
The biggest difference between a great day clock and a day clock that helps vision-impaired seniors largely comes down to the font. If you are struggling with your vision, you need something that can easily be seen at any time of the day. A good day clock will focus on providing large and clear lettering that makes it easy for anyone to read it.
Color plays a large role in how easy something is to read because it creates contrast. For the visually impaired, having a high degree of contrast can be the difference between being able to read a clock and seeing a glowing blur. With a high contrast clock that leverages the right colors, seeing what time it is and interacting with the clock’s controls is easy whether it’s first thing in the morning or late in the evening.
Auditory Cues
While you absolutely want a clock that is easy to read, sometimes it helps to have one with added features. Alarm clocks that rely on auditory clues can be a huge improvement to the alarm clock experience for those who are visually impaired. If your vision is less than perfect without corrective lenses, or you have other visual impairments that make seeing difficult in certain lighting, it pays to use auditory cues. Modern alarm clocks can allow you to benefit from different kinds of alerts for the best possible results.
A day clock for seniors doesn’t have to only have a singular alarm feature. While a traditional alarm can be beneficial, sometimes it pays to have an alarm clock that goes the extra mile. Purchasing a clock that offers support for personalized messages or the ability to offer an auditory time announcement can really provide a more positive experience for seniors.
Being vision impaired should not make it difficult for you to interact with the essential electronics in your home. We saw a need for day clocks that catered to the unique needs of seniors and the vision impaired, which is why we designed our clock to meet those needs. We believe that everyone needs to have a clock that helps them manage their day effectively. Our clock has been designed with large font and high contrast to ensure easy visibility. Pairing this with personalized reminders, large and color contrasted controls, time announcement at the touch of a button, and a flashing display to alert you of your alarms, we make it easy for you to trust in your alarm clock to help you manage your life!