
How To Organize Your Day With Talking Madi

Establish healthy habits with the help of a quality digital clock that can remind you of everything you need to do, when you need to do it.

Organization is key to achieving everything one needs to do during the day. If a healthy, balanced, and organized routine is not created, this may compromise your plans and overall health. Not only is it important to get things done, it’s also essential to schedule in some down-time to avoid burn-out.  Which sadly for many, has become an impossible task.

Talking Madi is a life-changing device that features a unique system that gives users the option to set reminders for multiple activities, such as medication times, meal times, other regular activities or messages of love and encouragement.  The possibilities are endless.  This talking clock helps seniors and their loved ones to establish routines to help organize their lives, maintain independence (where possible) and reduce stress all in your familiar and loving voice.

Below you can find creative ways on how you can organize your loved one’s (and your) day with Talking Madi. Establishing healthy routines for your loved one, keeping them healthy, happy and as independent as possible.

6 AM – 10 AM Wake Up & Get Ready

The first step to establishing a healthy routine and keeping your day organized is to wake up at a reasonably early hour to avoid oversleeping and delaying your important tasks, such as walking your dog. Talking Madi can be set to wake you up with the voice of a loved one or with Talking Madi’s soothing tune. She can remind you to take your dog for a walk and ensure you are getting the necessary exercise to kick off your day. Mental Health America states that “people with more daily routines have lower levels of distress when facing problems with their health or negative life events”.

Making a nutritious breakfast is a great reminder option, as well as adding some mid-morning snack reminders on Talking Madi – The best talking alarm clock.

12 PM – 3 PM – Take your Medication

One of the most important things to keep elders healthy is to ensure their medications are taken on time.  This can be difficult to remember when there is contant confusion over the day and time.  With Talking Madi a reminder can be set.  Record the reminders in your own voice.  Your loved one will enjoy hearing your voice. Feeling you close, even when you can’t be.

This pill reminder alarm clock was beautifully designed as an all-inclusive talking alarm clock with multiple functionalities to help those with memory loss, vision impairment, and hearing impairment.

According to Mental Health America, “when it comes to diet, sleep and exercise, having good, strong routines is linked to improved mental and physical health”.

5 PM – 8 PM – Keep your Home Safe

As the sun starts to set and the day is coming to an end, it is essential to check the house for potential safety hazards.  Are all the doors locked? Is the gas turned off? Are any candles left burning?  These simple and common tasks can become a struggle for those dealing with memory loss. Talking Madi can be used to set a reminder of anything like “Turn on the front porch light” or “I love you mom, please lock the door”. The possibilities are endless.

This digital clock helps people manage their lives and the lives of their loved ones.  Through personalized voice reminders, Talking Madi gives seniors back their dignity and independence whilst creating peace of mind for the whole family. A lifesaving tool specially designed to assist elders and their loved ones with their daily routines navigating the challenges that comes with aging.

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